Adjuvant could boost T3 disease control

Including an adjuvant with T3 fungicides could potentially improve control of ear diseases, increase yields and reduce mycotoxin levels in grain, according to Interago UK.

Independent trials in Germany found that the addition of the adjuvant Arma to half or full rate metconazole, prothioconazole or a prothioconazole and spiroxamine co-formulation boosted their performance, said the firm’s Alan East.

A 10% improvement in disease control and 0.6t/ha extra yield was seen when added to 1.5 litres/ha of metconazole and a 17% improvement and additional 0.5t/ha was found when included with half-rate prothioconazole, he said.

There was also an improvement in mycotoxin control, he noted.

“If the weather turns out to be wet at harvest or there is maize in the rotation or you are growing an open flowering variety with poor resistance to fusarium, it will be well worth protecting the ear from disease and from the risk of mycotoxin production.”

With new EU legislation setting maximum mycotoxin levels in grain for human consumption due to come into effect this July, growers will have to monitor ear disease levels closely to minimise the risk of mycotoxins, Mr East added.

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