No gold medals at Chessons Farm

James Fuggle has finished combining oilseed rape at Chessons Farm, Wadhurst, East Sussex, and hopes to move onto oats tomorrow (10 August).

“We’re trying to get some haymaking done today,” he said.

Fashion oilseed rape yielded 4-4.6t/ha at 9-10% moisture, which was very pleasing.

“There was a lot of seed; oil content was 44-45%, which was a little disappointing, but it’s just the lack of sunshine.

“We had a year off oilseed rape last year and it seems to have paid off.”

Mr Fuggle had also cut his winter barley, but didn’t yet know what it had yielded.

“Blackgrass was a big problem. We also can’t get the straw dry to get it baled, but hopefully it will dry out in the next day or so.

“After the oats we’ll move into the wheat – we’ve had to spray it time and again but whatever you spray it with it won’t create sunshine.

“I don’t think we’ll win any gold medals in farming this year.”

Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Fashion
Yield: 4-4.6t/ha
Oil content: 44-45%

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