Pleasing barley at Westwood

Andrew Craig finished cutting winter barley at Westwood Farm, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, yesterday (1 August), and hopes to start oilseed rape today.

“The barley was very variable – the best we’ve done was one field of Saffron at 8.4t/ha (3.4t/acre), with the worst field, also Saffron, at 6.7t/ha (2.7t/acre).”

Overall, the Saffron and Suzuka averaged about 7.8t/ha (3.15t/acre), with not much difference between the varieties.

“The Suzuka was plenty ripe enough and we were losing some heads. But I’m quite pleased with the yields – they are slightly above normal.”

The 120ha (300 acres) of Castille and Cabernet oilseed rape was only just ripening now, said Mr Craig. “We’ve had a lot of niggly showers over the past fortnight.

“But the wheat will be ready at the end of the week – everything is going to come at once.”

Both the wheat and oilseed rape looked well, he added. “There are some nice wheat crops round here – it looks quite promising.”

Crop: Winter barley
Varieties: Saffron and Suzuka
Area: 70ha (175 acres)
Yield: 7.8t/ha (3.15t/acre)

Don’t forget – you can text us about yourharvest progress on 07537 402 287. Start your message with“fwharvest”

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