Database reprieve from paper movement recording

Sheep farmers grappling with EID and movement recording can now upload all their movement records via a new livestock management database.

The National Livestock Management Database-Livestock Tracing (NLMD-LT) allows farmers and Central Point Recording Centres (CPRCs) to upload movement data without the hassle of filling out paper records.

NLMD-LT chairman Bill Madders said: “By moving all their movement records to NLMD-LT, farmers can have electronic tags read at a CPRC and the animal identities immediately uploaded to NLMD-LT by the CPRC.

“All the farmer has to do then is approve the data and it is added seamlessly to their movement records. Farmers will also be able to input their data directly into the NLMD-LT.”

He said the system would “greatly reduce the risk of error” that often leads to single farm payment penalties for incomplete sheep records.

Commenting on the system, Livestock Auctioneers Association executive secretary Chris Dodds said: “From both the auctioneers’ and farmers’ perspective, the movement paperwork is a mammoth paper trail and ridding the industry of this would benefit everyone.”

Welsh Beef and Lamb Producers chief executive Don Thomas said: “Using NLMD-LT takes a lot of the burden off sheep farmers when it comes to movement recording.

“Having CPRCs able to upload data on farmers behalf means they don’t have to invest in EID reading equipment themselves and will help many of our members where broadband access is limited in some rural parts of Wales.”

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