Chapman calls for better communication in SNFU

23 February 1998

Chapman calls for better communication in SNFU

PETER CHAPMAN, leadership candidate for the Scottish National Farmers Union, has committed himself to tackle the fall in membership if he gets the
top job. He sees the need to dramatically improve communication and contact
between secretaries and members.

He also believes there should be an urgent examination of the office
structures, allied to tighter cost control.

Chapmans involvement with the union goes back 11 years. He has a 364.23ha
(900 acre) farm near Strichen, in Aberdeenshire.

In his Notebook column in The Scotsman, Fordyce Maxell
focuses on the leadership election, due in less than two weeks. He says it looks
increasingly unlikely there will be any late contenders. There is still
speculation that George Lyon will have a change of heart and stand. If so, he will be
favourite, says Maxwell.

There is still unrest that a union council of 89 members, none with a mandate
from his area, will decide who leads the union.

  • The Scotsman 23/02/98 page 18

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