Continental sires responsible for more British beef British beef is

30 August 2002

Continental sires responsible for more British beef British beef is

CONTINENTAL sires are responsible for more than 85% of British beef, when pure dairy-bred animals are excluded from British Cattle Movement Service data.

Of the 1.43m animals born in 1999 and slaughtered at less than 30 months old, 29% were by Charolais sires, 27% by a Limousin and 16% by a Simmental, says MLC beef scientist Duncan Pullar.

Native British breeds accounted for 14%, with 9% of the total number slaughtered by a Aberdeen Angus sire, 4% by Hereford and 1% by a South Devon.

"Assuming an equal ratio of males and females at birth, the data also indicates that 26% of heifers born to beef sires were retained for breeding," says Dr Pullar. Limousins proved the most popular sire for replacements. &#42

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