Glyphosate cuts harvest delays

9 July 1999

Glyphosate cuts harvest delays

TAKING control of the harvest schedule by desiccating crops chemically can increase combining speed and reduce losses. And adding an adjuvant can make it even more effective.

Using glyphosate pre-harvest to ripen the crop evenly can avoid delays from unpredictable weather conditions, bringing significant management benefits, says Jonathan Tann of Monsanto.

"In a wet year the straw can remain green even when the crop is ready to come off. For every day harvest is delayed after the grain reaches maturity, quality can be lost. This could mean the difference between milling and feed quality for some varieties. And the green straw makes combining difficult and inc-reases down-time during harvest."

By applying pre-harvest Roundup Biactive at 1-1.51/ha, the whole crop can be made to ripen evenly to make the timing of the harvest more predictable. Less green material means combine speed can be increased, allowing more crop to be cut each day.

"Monsanto trials, in partnership with Claas, showed a 20% increase in combine efficiency following a pre-harvest application of Roundup Biactive," Mr Tann continues. "That equates to an extra 3-5 t/hr over the screens. The dry crop is also easier to chop and bale."

Mr Tann recommends spraying wheat at GS 87 the hard dough stage, when grain reaches 30% moisture 7-14 days before harvest.

&#8226 Boost pre-harvest crop desiccation by adding an approved adjuvant to the spray tank, urges Techsol, manufacturer of Ethokem.

Roundup, Touchdown and Reglone all recommend the use of Ethokem to achieve the best all round weed control and desiccation of crops, the company claims.

When used as a harvest aid, Roundup and Touchdown used with Ethokem controls weeds and couch making it far easier to harvest. When Ethokem is used with Reglone, particularly on linseed, desiccation is superior and again harvesting is far easier, says Techsol. &#42

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