Pre-tup grub a tonic for ram and ewe

7 August 1998

Pre-tup grub a tonic for ram and ewe

ENSURE flocks are in peak condition prior to tupping with Pre-tup Tubs, suggests feed manufacturer Dallas Keith.

Containing protected zinc, which is needed by ewes throughout the production cycle and can help encourage healthy feet in rams, Pre-tup Tubs provide energy from molasses and cereals sources, it says.

Protein is derived from soya rather than urea to protect fertility, says the company. Pre-tup Tubs also contain cobalt, manganese, phosphorous, selenium – including some from protected sources – and Vitamin E.

Available from merchants in 20kg, 50kg, 100kg and 500kg feed blocks, the Pre-tup Tubs cost about £9, £25, £49 and £210 respectively (01993-773061, fax 01993-771338).

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