to claim…

17 April 1997

Deadline May 15: Get ready

to claim…

As the IACS deadline

approaches, David Winnard

of agricultural consultants

Laurence Gould Partnership

addresses key issues for

1998 claims

Who should apply?

Anyone making a claim in 1998 under the following schemes:

&#8226 Arable area payments (AAPS).

&#8226 Beef special premium (BSPS).

&#8226 Suckler cow premium (SCPS).

&#8226 Hill livestock compensatory allowances (HLCA).

&#8226 Sheep annual premium (SAPS) less favoured area supplement.

&#8226 Aid for grain legumes (GLS).

Exceptions include claimants exempted from the stocking density rules of BSPS and SCPS – where the number of livestock units claimed is no more than 15.

Livestock units are calculated by taking account of the number of 1998 beef special premium, suckler cow premium and sheep annual premium claims made and the amount of milk quota owned on Apr 1, 1998.

If in doubt, make an application.

Print-outs, booklets and forms

Anyone who submitted an area aid application in 1997 should receive a field data printout "IACS 11" from MAFF containing 1997 claim details and an arable area aid application base form "IACS 2 (1998)". The print-out and base form should be accompanied by explanatory booklet "IACS 1 (1998)".

Applicants should check that all print-outs are received, fields are registered in the print-outs, all field areas and the eligibility status of fields are correct and that the previous years cropping is accurately recorded. Errors can and do occur.

If you did not apply last year, you will need a base form, IACS 1 booklet and blank 1998 field data printout. Contact your MAFF regional service centre.

There are two new columns on the 1998 field data print-outs.

&#8226 Column G is to record fields in less favoured areas used for sheep. In 1997, many producers with LFA sheep quota failed to submit an area aid application by May 15.

&#8226 Column S for identifying land in an agri-environment agreement.

Applicants claiming under AAPS also need the 1997 explanatory guide (Parts 1 and 2) and the 1998 update.

Entering data on to the1998 field data print-outs

The information entered should reflect the position as at May 15, 1998.

Particular attention needs to be given to the following columns (applies to England and Wales):

&#8226 Column M: Crop. If in doubt as to the correct crop code, write out the crop in full. If growing rapeseed, sunflower seed or linseed, specify variety name and seed type (purchased or farm-saved). If the same crop species is grown on set-aside land for non-food use, the variety name and estimated yield must also be entered.

&#8226 Column O: Type of set-aside. Enter F for obligatory set-aside and G for guaranteed set-aside. If importing another farmers set-aside, also enter T in this column against the relevant fields.

&#8226 Column P: Green cover. Consult the IACS 1998 booklet for the correct green cover type.

&#8226 Column Q: Non-food crop grown. Enter the name, variety and forecast yield as stated on the contract with the collector. A copy of the contract should be attached to the application.

&#8226 Column S: Agri-environment schemes. Enter the land use code for land under a management agreement for any agri-environment scheme in 1998. Where such land is shown in column T in the printouts, delete the code in column T and enter the correct code in column S.

Base form

Complete all relevant sections. Applicants intending to make BSPS, SCPS, HLCA and SAPS LFA claims must enter the total forage area declared at Question 13.


There is a minimum 5% set-aside requirement for 1998 main AAPS claims. There is no set-aside requirement for applications under the simplified AAPS (where crop area is no more than 15.62ha in England).

The 1998 set-aside period began on 15 January 1998.

Transfers of set-aside can be made within a 20km (12.5 mile) radius or into a designated environmental target area. For those exporting set-aside, the minimum set-aside is 6% for 1998. Those importing need to allow extra set-aside to take account of this. Booklet AR26 from MAFF explains the rules.

It is vital to ensure that land is eligible for set-aside.

&#8226 It must not have been in permanent grass, permanent crops, woodland or non-agricultural use on Dec 31, 1991.

&#8226 In the preceding year, the land must either have produced a harvestable crop (not grass) or set-aside. From 1998, land in multi-annual crops may now precede set-aside.

&#8226 The land must have been farmed by the applicant for at least two years before the start of the set-aside period (with certain exceptions, like inheriting land or succeeding to a tenancy.)

&#8226 Each block of set-aside must cover at least 0.3ha and be a minimum of 20m wide unless surrounded by a permanent boundary.

Penalty set-aside has been waived for the 1997/98 cropping year.

Eligibility of crops to receive area aid

Rapeseed, linseed and sunflower seed must be grown from seeds of named varieties as in the AAPS explanatory guide.

All crops must be sown by specific dates (mainly May 15) and maintained in accordance with normal agricultural practice until at least the beginning of flowering for cereals and linseed and Jun 30 for proteins and oilseeds. Protein crops may not be harvested until after lactic ripeness – effectively when the seed in the pod is dry.

Farm-saved oilseed rape seed

Where farm-saved oilseed rape is used for the 1998 harvest crop, the seed must originate from certified seed grown on the applicants own farm in the preceding years harvest. A glucosinolate analysis of 18 micromoles/g or less must be supplied with the IACS application. A sample of seed should be retained on farm.


It will be possible to claim on maize under the AAPS in 1998 although payment rates on both maize area claimed and associated set-aside area are likely to be scaled back significantly. &#42

Special care must be taken with farm-saved rape seed.


&#8226 Application deadline is May 15, 1998. Penalties of 1% a working day late up to 25 days after the deadline. After this, no aid will be paid.

&#8226 It is not possible to make an AAPS claim on an area of crops and use that same area to make a forage area claim.

&#8226 Where land will be entered into or managed under an agri-environment scheme in 1998, an AAPS claim may not be possible. Details for individual schemes should be checked.

&#8226 Sketch maps should be supplied for temporary divisions or amalgamations of fields.

&#8226 Any agricultural land not claimed should be entered in Column S of the field data print-out.

&#8226 The stocking density limit for beef special premium and suckler cow premium in 1998 is two livestock units per hectare of forage area. Extensification premium will be paid for 1.4 LSU/Ha with super extensification at 1 LSU/Ha.

See more