14 April 2000


This is it! The last week of

the FW/AIUA competition

to win a John Deere 6010

tractor. Heres your chance

to fill in the coupon

THIS is the fifth and final competition page of our spring competition to win a £30,000 Deere 6010 tractor. We have teamed up with Harrogate-based company AIUA, which is the biggest specialist agricultural insurance underwriter in the UK.

The format is simple. Just read the text that has appeared in the competition pages in the issues of Mar 17 (p83), Mar 24 (p91), Mar 31 (p70) and Apr 7 (p82), as well as in this issue.

Answer the single simple question that appears on each page, then fill in the coupon that appears on this page. Finally, complete the tie-breaker and send the filled-in coupon to us at the address given. Remember you only have until Apr 28 to get the coupon to us.

In previous weeks weve focussed on some of AIUAs farm insurance products. Now its time to continue last weeks suggestions from the company on ways of cutting insurance costs.

With agriculture in a severe slump and incomes depressed, this is the time to ask yourself why you buy insurance. If you conclude that its to protect you against a large loss that could damage or sink the business, then do you really need all the ancillary covers?

Crops and livestock

&#8226 Do examine your sums insured carefully. Falling produce and livestock prices often mean that values can be reduced.

&#8226 Dont reduce the sums insured so much that, in the event of a claim, an average has to be applied.

&#8226 Do consider revenue cover and escape average being applied, subject to a declaration.

&#8226 Do use revenue cover for other reasons. It can mean that certain farm contents can be deleted and there is free increased-cost-of-working cover. There is also free machinery hire cover (following damage by an insured peril) and a three-year indemnity period.

&#8226 Do give thought to increasing the excess.


&#8226 Do delete all trailed machinery, which is cheaper to insure, either attached or detached, under a motor policy on an all-risks basis.

&#8226 Do bear in mind the high cost of insuring tools against theft. It may be possible to remove these tools at night – or place them in a strongroom – and thereby delete this cover.

Now fill in that coupon and get it in the post to us!

FW/AIUA Win a Tractor Competition

My answers to the five questions are:

1. In which year did AIUA start offering farm insurance policies?


2. Which three insurers does AIUA manage insurance products on behalf of?


3. What price per vehicle do AIUA premiums for breakdown and alternative hire start at?


4. What is AIUAs full name?


5. Name two ways of avoiding the cost of insuring tools against theft?


Tie-breaker (this must be filled in to be eligible)

Carefully targeted farm insurance is important because:





(complete the sentence in less than 30 words)

Your details

Surname……………………………………. First name…………………………………..



……………………………………………….. Postcode……………………………………

Telephone number…………………………………………………………………………..

Are you a farmer/farm manager/farm worker/contractor (delete whichever does not apply) or other occupation? (please state)…………………………………

Farm acres…………….. Arable acres…………….. Dairy nos………………….

Beef nos……………….. Sheep nos…………………….

o Please tick if you do not want to receive direct marketing promotions from other companies

Please send the completed coupon to: AIUA Win a Tractor Competition, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.

Closing date April 28 2000.

What you can win: A 4wd John Deere 6010 tractor with 4.5 litre engine,

16 speed power reverser gearbox, 4087kg lift and £29,479 price tag.


Name two ways

of avoiding the cost

of insuring tools

against theft?

Use the answer to fill in the coupon on this page of FW.


1. How is the John Deere 6010 tractor to be won? Read the text and then study the question that will appear in each of the FW issues of Mar 17, 24, 31, Apr 7 and 14. There will be a chance to answer all five questions and complete the

tie-breaker in the coupon that will appear in the Apr 14 issue.

2. No purchase is necessary. The coupon is also available

by sending an SAE to: AIUA Coupon, farmers weekly,

Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.

3. The decision of the judges and of the editor of

farmers weekly will in all matters be final and legally binding.

4. The completed entry forms are the property

farmers weekly and AIUA.

5. The competition is open to all readers in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, except employees (and their families) of Reed Business Information, farmers weeklys printers,

AIUA and its agents.

6. The closing date for receiving completed coupons is Fri Apr 28.

They should be addressed to farmers weekly/AIUA

competition, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS

See more