Value my tractor

If you're thinking about selling your tractor and not sure what it's worth, here's a tool that may help.

We're testing a new feature to help value your tractor based on its operating hours.

This tool is currently in beta and we would like your feedback on whether it is something that would be useful to you and if we should continue developing it.

Tractor valuation tool

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Value my tractor beta

Our price research tools provides you with a guide on second hand tractor prices based on machines advertised on Farmers Weekly Classified. If you are buying or selling, this will save you time trawling through lots of adverts.

We have developed this tool to help you value your tractor, based on the thousands of adverts posted on Farmers Weekly Classifieds. This feature is in the testing phase and we'd like to get your feedback on its usefulness to you and how we could improve it.

  • Help you make a more informed decision
  • Compare against current classified ads
  • Instant valuation on most popular models

Tractor reviews and tests

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Driver’s view: Case-IH Quadtrac 600

When Case-IH chose to bolt four track units to one of its articulated prairie monsters it created a new tractor concept that had no direct rivals for more than 15…


Top-end tractor test: Valtra S353

Power Farming Verdict: 3.5/5 Good driving comfort and transmission. Transmission operation differed from the rest so took a bit of getting used to. Room for improvements in ergonomics and especially…


On test: 123-143hp M6002 joins Kubota range

Short of a tractor range to bridge the gap between its flagship M7003 and utilitarian MGX ranges, Japanese maker Kubota decided it was high time it introduced one. The M6002…


Mid-range tractors put to the test

Today's high-horsepower tractors are expected to be more versatile and comfortable than ever before. We spent a week testing five of the most popular in the field and on the…


Driver's view: Charlie Flindt's John Deere 6155M

Hampshire farmer and FW columnist Charlie Flindt gives us the 410-hour lowdown on his John Deere 6155M tractor in his inimitable style. Find out what his likes and gripes are,…


Video: McCormick sticks to what it does best with the X60

In the market for a new loader tractor? Nick Fone and David Cousins take a look a two new arrivals on the scene – McCormick’s X60.40 and Valtra’s A93. Intro…


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