Cold weather continues to stall T-Sum progress
High pressure has remained over the UK with cold and dry weather, so progress in T-Sum is still slower than forecast, says Stuart Bennett of ADAS.
The most advanced areas are still the far south west and western coasts where T-200 has been broken.
Much of the Hebrides are now into the mid-200s, but eastern coasts remain in the mid to late 100s, with inland areas of the UK ranging from 80-150.
Once the weather begins to warm, Kemira GrowHow north west adviser Mike Denney says producers in Cheshire and North Wales are likely to start spreading fertiliser.
It will also be useful for farmers wanting to spread slurry on silage ground, as he advises spreading half as T-Sum reaches 200 and the rest in the middle of March.
“Where farmers might have concerns about the weather, spreading at T-Sum 180 is advisable and then following up with a second application in the middle of March.”
And for those farmers on light soils looking to turn out cows in the middle of March, he advises spreading fertiliser now, providing ground conditions are suitable.
The weather is likely to be unsettled for a time, but high pressure is set to return bringing more dry and cool conditions, says Mr Bennett.
“T-Sum values will progress steadily, with northern Scotland, Northern Ireland and north eastern fringes likely to break T-200.”
To see the current T-Sum details for your region please click here.