GrowHow to reveal fertiliser update at Cereals

Visitors to GrowHow‘s stand at Cereals can find out which lucky person will be ‘walking away’ with a lorry full of free fertiliser.

The winner of the Nitram competition, run during the past season to celebrate 45 years of Nitram production, will be revealed from 1.30pm on Wednesday afternoon (9 June) in a press briefing.

The lucky winner will receive a whole lorry load of fertiliser – although he won’t have to take it home on the park-and-ride.

With a new fertiliser season imminent, GrowHow’s Ken Bowler will also provide a background briefing on global and national trends that will impact on Britain’s farmers.

Also, with increased pressure to optimise fertiliser efficiency and minimise environmental impact, GrowHow’s David Beck will outline some of the key differences between ammonium nitrate and urea as nitrogen sources.

In addition, the GrowHow plots will demonstrate how yield and quality can be lost from insufficient sulphur use as well as incorrect choice of product, application rate or timing.

* Cereals 2010 exhibitor information as supplied by GrowHow.

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