Spud returns rise again

EARLY POTATO growers have seen their gross returns increase for the second year running, says the British Potato Council.
Returns for the 2004 crop to July 31 were up 30% to an estimated £5231/ha (£2117/acre).

This equated to £179/t compared with £130/t last season, said the organisation‘s Rob Burrow.
Mr Burrow said later planting and a slow start to lifting initially reduced yields, but following rain most crops responded well and larger yields were being harvested by the end of July.

Total movement at 240,000t was about 25,000t down on 2003, he added.
The BPC‘s average GB ex-farm price for the last week of July fell £21.53/t to £136.55/t compared with £105/t for the same time last year.


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