Survey: Tell the HGCA how to spend levy money

Over the coming months HGCA is consulting its levy payers to shape the direction of arable research for 2015-2020.  So which areas do you believe warrant more funding, the same or deserve less?

Answer our quick poll below; telling us whether you think more should be spent on each of the key research areas such disease control and soil research.

To help you, the percentages in brackets illustrate the proportion of the total spent on that area last time round.

Vicky Foster, HGCA senior research and knowledge transfer manager says that in the last five-year period, £13.5m of levy money had been invested, attracting £16.1m of co-funding from other organisations such as the BBSRC.

Funding in the last cycle saw the Recommended Lists account for the lion’s share at £5.51m, followed by soil and grain quality each having £1.61m of funding, while diseases received £1.54m.

Let us know what you think and we will share the results in a forthcoming issue of Farmers Weekly.

For more on this topic see our HGCA research page

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