Tool calculates fert benefits for potato growers

A new calculator has been launched, giving growers the opportunity to refine their fertiliser rates for potato crops.

Potato Council’s Gary Collins developed the calculator in conjunction with ADAS and says it’s an exciting tool that gives comprehensive coverage of fertiliser requirements.

“This simple tool is based on the models developed by ADAS for PLANET and MANNER-NPK, so we know they are well tested.

“It’s fairly simple, you can follow the step-by-step instructions putting in details all the way from soil analysis to cropping. This will eventually give you the soil nitrogen supply [SNS].”

Once all the data has been entered for the previous crop and the potato crop to be grown, a results tab will show crop requirements for NPK and Mg in kg/ha.

“This will be an exciting area for development, as we pull together a better understanding of nutrient availability for potatoes,” he says.

You can find the online fertiliser calculator at

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