Breaking news – milk crisis meeting ‘positive’

The milk price crisis meeting at NFU headquarters has concluded with all parties agreeing to continue the fight for a fairer milk price.

Speaking after the meeting Farmers For Action chairman David Handley told Farmers Weekly that the meeting had been positive. 

“The coalition of farm unions and industry groups remains committed to the fight,” Mr Handley said.

“Between now and 1 September we are going after the price cuts that were announced in April,” he added.

The coalition also agreed to work more closely with the Womens Institute.

“We want to work alongside the WI because it can help us highlight our position with consumers,” Mr Handley said.

“After 1 September we will then sit down again and look at other ways to increase our negotiating strength such as Producer Organisations,” he said.

For more on this topic

See our milk prices crisis page