Keep dogs on a lead, says CLA
THE COUNTRY Land and Business Association has warned people that they may have the right-to-roam across open moorland but their dogs must be kept under control.
The CLA has said people should be aware that between Mar 1 and Jul 31 dogs must be kept on a two metre lead and that dogs are totally excluded from some areas.
“We urge people visiting moorland areas to take care that they or their dogs do not to disturb nesting birds,” said Mark Hudson, CLA president.
“Birds such as golden plover, black grouse, merlin, lapwing and curlew choose heather moorlands, included in the new access areas, as their nesting sites.
“There are also likely to be sheep and cows with young on open land areas.
“Before they head off, walkers should read The Moorland Visitor’s Code which offers good guidance.
“They should also check local signs about keeping dogs on leads and about where dogs are not allowed.”