Cash prize to further career development

How would you use a £2000 training grant to help further your career? That’s the opportunity facing the winner of the 2010 Pfizer Trainee of the Year Award organised in conjunction with Poultry World.
The poultry industry provides one of the best career prospects in agriculture – even in some cases opening the door to global opportunities. And it is served by a number of excellent training providers such as Easton College, Poultec and the Scottish Agricultural College.
Not only does the winner benefit from extra training, he or she receives a £500 cash prize and receives the trophy during a prestigious ceremony at the House of Commons, with hotel accommodation in central London provided by the sponsors Pfizer Animal Health.
“The success of the UK poultry industry owes a great deal to the skill and dedication of those caring for livestock,” says Emmeline Randall, Pfizer product manager. “Training plays a key role, and it is encouraging this is being increasingly recognised right through the food chain.”
The winner of the first award in 2007, Christopher Rees from Moy Park in Lincolnshire, opted for a two-year foundation degree course with the University of Lincoln. The 2008 winner, Daniel Bush from Crown Chicken in Norfolk, has been on a man management training course and also obtained his HGV licence.
The 2009 winner, Andrew Hall, began his career in the hatchery with P D Hook in Lincolnshire and then chose to switch to one of the firm’s breeder farms providing the hatching eggs. PD Hook will use the grant to help widen Andrew’s experience to take in rearing parent stock and broilers, and also to involve their trainees in the new Poultry Passport scheme run by Poultec and Lantra.
Anyone who is developing their skills through on-the-job NVQ training can enter. There is no age limit – for one of our finalists last year, Anthony Plaskitt, poultry was his second career after eight years with the Royal Anglian Regiment.
You can enter yourself or, as managers who know a trainee who deserves recognition can nominate them on an application form (see below). It doesn’t take long to enter – explaining what training you are receiving, how it is benefiting your everyday work and what kind of training you would like to further your career.
The deadline for entries is 16 July when the judges will draw up a shortlist of three finalists to be featured in Poultry World. Then, in September, readers of Poultry World will vote for the winner, with the presentation taking place in November.
Entry forms can also be downloaded by clicking here or obtained by emailing, telephoning 020 8652 4020 or faxing 020 8652 4042.
Send your completed entry form to Pfizer Trainee of the Year, BHR Communications, The White Cottage, The Street, Long Stratton, Norwich NR15 2XJ. Entries can also be faxed to 0845 402 6528 or emailed to
Closing date is 16 July and for any queries contact Roger Ranson on 0845 402 6527.