Farmer Focus Livestock: Ben Drewitt sees all-time low for Hungary’s milk price
The milk price in Hungary has been at an all time low over the past few months, the price for August was 58 Forints a litre (19.33p/litre). This went up to 62 HUF/litre for September (20.66p/litre) and is expected to rise again this October to 70 HUF/litre (23.33p/litre).
There was talk of a continuous rise up to about 85 HUF/litre (28.33p/litre), but we can only cross our fingers and hope for that.
Wonders have happened and the Hungarian government have decided to give us an increase in this year’s milk quota payments. This means we get another six forints over the current 8.5 forints equaling 14.5 forints a litre of quota owned (4.83p/litre).
The cull price has dipped and is now running at 280 HUF/kg (93.3p/kg), bulls more than 450kg are making 450 HUF/kg (£1.50/kg) and bull calves are reaching 680 HUF/kg (£2.26/kg).
For those of you interested in piglet prices, they are making about 14,000 HUF/piglet (£46 a piglet). Wheat is struggling at 24,000 HUF/t (£80/t) and maize grain is down at 22,000 HUF/t (£73/t).
Luckily the weather has cooled down to a sensible 25-28C, and at night 12-18C, so milk production is constant without the peaks and troughs. Cow conception rate has also increased as a result.
My son Bradley has just started playschool and it has been a testing time for us all. We get the tears when we leave him and the tears when he has to leave his friends to come home.
More tears will likely be seen when he goes in to hospital for an operation soon, as it will be the first time he will have been under anaesthesia. It is a worrying time for us all.