Show all working, RPA told

The RPA is being urged to make clear in definitive entitlement letters how figures are calculated.

The agency believes it is on track to establish definitive entitlements by 14 February and farmers will be informed of their individual details within two weeks of that date.

Allan Buckwell, Country Land and Business Association chief economist, said the organisation was still waiting to see the paperwork to be sent to farmers.

“If the RPA fails to include a page explaining the calculation, then it will create for itself a huge number of calls and e-mails.

“For most farmers this letter will be the first time they have heard from the RPA since May.

If they can’t see how it has been added up, they will reach for the phone.”

Carl Atkin, director of land and business research at Bidwells, added that the national reserve allocation letters showed the need for supporting information to be included.

“I’m amazed they sent out the national reserve letters in the way they did.

A couple of examples, showing how the figures had been worked out, would have helped.”

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