Single Farm Payment coverage

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Hardship deadline extended again
THE deadline for hardship applications in England is extended to Apr 22

Questions and answers

THE RURAL Payments Agency has published answers to some frequently asked questions about the Single Payments Scheme in a bid to reduce calls to its helpline.

The RPA’s helpline has been swamped by 2000 calls a day and many farmers have complained to FARMERS WEEKLY it has been impossible to get through.

From Monday April 11 the opening hours for the Customer Service Centre are being extended to 7:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

But these are the main FAQs …

Other SFP news

Give beef farmers guidance – NBA
11 April 2005

BEEF farmers need more guidance on what is considered acceptable environmentally, says the NBA.

Scots must check SAS details
08 April 2005
SCOTTISH growers must check set-aside details, after errors on SFP application forms, urges NFUS.

Agency pledges SFP action
08 April 2005
THE Rural Payments Agency pledges to tackle its SFP helpline problems.

CAP reforms slammed again
06 April 2005
A FORMER NFU economist slams the latest reforms of the CAP as ‘a waste of public funds‘.

Farmers welcome land use rules
31 March 2005
FARM leaders are pleased with DEFRA‘s stance on non-agricultural activities and SFP.

Welsh sit on CAP cash details
29 March 2005
THE Welsh Assembly says it will not make details of past support payments public.

Scots extend deadline
18 March 2005
Scots extend deadline. THE Scottish Executive extends the national reserve deadline.

Horse owners shy away from SFP
17 March 2005
HORSE owners are wary of claiming the SFP because of cross-compliance rules.

Entitlement value warning
11 March 2005
A CONSULTANT has said the tradable value of SFP entitlements may be lower than thought.

‘Play fair with tenants on SFP‘
10 March 2005
Play fair with tenants on SFP‘. LORD Whitty tells landlords to deal fairly with tenants.

Tax relief for entitlements
09 March 2005
FARMERS will be able to defer capital gains tax on the sale of SFP entitlements.

EU newcomers cut SFP
07 March 2005
ROMANIA and Bulgaria‘s accession to the EU is forecast to cut the SFP by 10%.

Growers warned on SFP
25 February 2005
FRUIT, vegtable and potato growers are being urged to secure SFP authorisations.

SFP threatens upland landscapes
25 February 2005
THE single farm payment poses a real threat to upland landscapes, farmers are told.

Grass lets must fall – NBA
23 February 2005
GRASS rents must fall to reflect the reduction in support payments, says the NBA.

Outdoor pigs gain from SFP
22 February 2005
OUTDOOR pig units account for 35% of breeding production systems in the UK.

Beckett ‘bloody livid‘
21 February 2005
MARGARET Beckett tells the NFU she is unhappy with delayed SFP payments.

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