Livestock 2012: New dairy housing guide

DairyCo has produced a new best practice housing guide for dairy farmers that covers a multitude of management systems, highlights legal and welfare regulations and includes action points that will make a difference.

Dairy housing – a best practice guide was developed by DairyCo in partnership with Morrisons and Arla after a need was identified by dairy farmers for relevant information.

The guide includes more than 17 chapters covering topics such as cow behaviour and comfort, lighting, ventilation and biosecurity. It also includes a range of specific building layout examples and worked calculations, plus examples of further reading.

The guide will be officially launched at Livestock 2012.

Farmers can request a hard copy by calling the DairyCo publications line on 024 7647 8702, or by visiting the DairyCo website,, where it can be found in the resources area. Morrisons aligned producers will receive a copy directly.

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