Livestock 2014: New feature for poultry at Livestock Event

A new dedicated feature for pig and poultry producers is being added to the annual Livestock Event, to be held at the NEC, Birmingham on 2 and 3 July.

Specialist advice on feeding, health, equipment and housing for the two intensive livestock sectors will be featured in the Feeds and Forage Zone, while specific technical and business seminars are also being scheduled for pig and poultry farmers.

“The new pig and poultry feature reflects one of the event’s objectives, to become a one stop shop for all livestock farmers’ business requirements,” explained event organiser, Nick Everington. “During the last 10 years, we have successfully widened the event’s appeal from dairy to beef and sheep, and we believe the time has arrived to officially extend to pig and poultry.

“Some existing dairy farmers have already diversified into broilers whilst others have been approached by pig breeding companies looking for bio-secure units,” he added. “Furthermore, many of our exhibitors already offer pig and poultry products.”

The Livestock Event is run by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) and was originally established as the Dairy Event.

See also: All the news from the Livestock Event