DEFRA seeking members for new TB body

DEFRA has announced that it is seeking representatives for a new bovine tuberculosis committee.
Junior DEFRA minister Ben Bradshaw is seeking to make appointments to a new stakeholder advisory body to help DEFRA develop effective TB control policies.
Because TB is a subject which is devolved to the administrations in Wales and Scotland, the body’s primary focus will be on matters in England.
However, it will forge close links with officials and other stakeholders across GB and will consider GB-wide issues from time to time.
A chairperson is sought to guide the body in its considerations of the complex issues and in the formulation of recommendations and advice for government.
The chair will need to be recognised by the animal health and welfare community.
Other members of the body will need an in-depth knowledge of at least one of the following areas:
* farmed animal production;
* consumer or public health issues;
* agricultural finance or economics;
* wildlife issues (particularly badgers and/or deer); animal welfare;
* TB epidemiology and veterinary issues (large animals and/or wildlife).
More details (including how to apply) are available from DEFRA. The closing date for applications is 31 January 2006.