Red Meat Industry Forum Conference 2005
If your future lies in the red meat industry, don’t miss the Red Meat Industry Forum Conference 2005 Win-Win: Towards a profitable future, supported by Farmers Weekly.
It will be on 2 November, 2005 at the Queen Elizabeth 11 Conference Centre, London, and its aim is to identify how businesses of all sizes can improve profitability.
From beef, sheep and pig producers to abattoirs, processors and retailers, a wealth of first-hand information will be on offer, focused on how a range of companies can lift their profits.
This year’s conference will study three key areas: Elements of business success in every sector of the industry; how we can compete more effectively in international markets and 2006 and beyond – new directions on business improvement; and how RMIF can help the red meat industry make the most of the opportunities ahead.
Hosted by veteran broadcaster Michael Buerk, the conference will be supported by government ministers, industry leaders and participants of RMIF schemes who want to share their practical experiences.
Top-level support for the conference comes from Prince Charles and Tony Blair.
“I could not be more pleased to support the work of the Red Meat Industry Forum, particularly its work in setting up Farm Business Improvement Clubs to support farmers in understanding their costs and their marketplace,” said Prince Charles.
Tony Blair said: “I am encouraged to learn the excellent results of the government’s support for the Red Meat Industry Forum and I wish the conference every success.”
So, if you want to make more of red meat, make a date to attend this prestigious conference. See you there.
Win-Win: Towards a Profitable Future
08.30 Registration & coffee
10.00 Welcome
Michael Buerk
10.05 WIN-WIN
Peter Barr CBE, Chairman, Red Meat Industry Forum & Meat and Livestock Commission
Exploring a win-win situation for the whole supply chain and asking how the UK can hold a strong position internationally.
10.20 Keynote address. Creating a winning formula
Lord Bach, Minister for Sustainable Farming and Food, Defra
Following the CAP reform, how will the Government and the red meat industry work together towards a profitable future?
10.45 Top results for the bottom line
In this interactive session, representatives from across the red meat supply chain will discuss their experiences. Michael Buerk asks them: does business improvement bring winning bottom line results?
Members of leading Farm Business Clubs accompanied by Clare Wise RMIF’s On-Farm Project Manager
John Benton, Pig Producer and member of the Thurston Club, Suffolk
Martin Lowcock, Beef Producer and member of Stokesley Club, North Yorkshire
Richard Stirling, Sheep Producer and member of Little Giants Club, Hampshire
John Mettrick, Director, J.W. Mettrick and Son Ltd
Andrew Simpson, Sales Director, Simpson Read Foods Ltd
Trevor Hanger, Site Director, Welsh Country Foods Ltd, Grampian Country Food Group
11.45 Coffee break
12.15 Everyone’s a winner
What lessons have been learnt from whole chain improvement?
Food Service
Speaker to be announced
Dr Chris Brown, Agricultural Manager, ASDA
12.50 A profitable future
David Hughes, Professor of Agribusiness and Food Marketing, Imperial College London
Consumers and the red meat supply chain – where are the winners?
Dr Andrew Fearne, Principle Research Fellow, Centre for Supply Chain Research, Kent Business School, University of Kent
Is RMIF really able to make a difference?
13.15 Lunch
Benjamin Britten Lounge
14.30 Winning over the Consumer
Joanne Denney-Finch OBE, Chief Executive, IGD & Chairman, Food Chain Centre
Latest research and how to win over the consumer
Richard Lowe, Consumer Affairs Director, Meat & Livestock Commission
What does this research mean for the Red Meat Industry?
15.00 Learning from champions
Dr Mike Bourne, Director, Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield Business School
This interactive session looks at how other sectors of industry have managed business improvement
15.25 Building Team GB
In this panel session industry leaders discuss the way forward
Sir Donald Curry KB, CBE, Chairman, Sustainable Farming and Food Implementation Group, Defra
Meurig Raymond, Vice President, NFU
Keith Kenny, head of Food Strategy, McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd
Neil Hammond, Managing Director, Pork Business Unit, Grampian Country Food Group
John Cross, Chairman, EBLEX
Stewart Houston, Chairman, BPEX
Karen Schenstrom, Director of Fresh Foods, J Sainsbury plc
Steve Murrells, Commercial Director, Fresh Produce, Tesco plc
16.15 2006 and beyond
Peter Barr CBE, Chairman, Red Meat Industry Forum & Meat and Livestock Commission
16.30 Close of Conference