Focus on ewe feeding in run up to lambing

The type of compound feed supplied to ewes in the run up to lambing is crucial to maximise the performance of both ewes and lambs, according to Adam May from Mole Valley Farmers.
He says the amount and type of energy supply is critical, with an ideal feed containing an energy level of more than 12ME.
“In order to optimise rumen function diets must be formulated to a specific level of starch and digestible fibre,” he adds. “Overfeeding starch, particularly in late pregnancy when forage intakes are low, can lead to acidosis and potentially serious consequences on the subsequent health and performance of the ewe.”
The amount and type of protein supply is also important. “Particular care is required with the type of protein. Ewe compound feeds should include a minimal total protein level of 18%, but it’s important to check the level of undegradable protein,” says Mr May.
Trials have also highlighted the importance of vitamin E, with ewes fed additional vitamin E producing more vigorous and faster-growing lambs at birth. Mr May advises using a compound feed with a minimum vitamin E level of 155 IUs.