Poultry World’s ‘Greatest’ – who gets your vote?

Poultry World’s 140th birthday is fast approaching and, as part of our celebration, we want to find out what and who are “the greatest” in the history of our amazing egg and poultry industry.

For example, were Edwina Currie’s comments on salmonella in eggs the greatest disaster to befall the industry in 1988, or was hi-path avian flu worse in 2006?

Is 2 Sisters Food Group founder Ranjit Singh the greatest living poultry person, or does Charles Bourns get your vote for his 16 years at the helm of the NFU Poultry Board?

And, for a bit of fun, is Bob Dylan’s Lay Lady Lay the greatest ever chicken song, or does The Birdy Song by The Tweets do it for you?

We are asking you, our readers, to get involved and tell us what you think. Full results and your comments will be published in our special anniversary issue in April.

And 10 participants chosen at random will each receive a branded Poultry World USB stick, plus a free copy of our April anniversary issue.

(11 April 2014: The survey is now closed and you can read the results here)


Poultry World‘s “Greatest” survey is brought to you in association with Humphrey Feeds & Pullets 

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