Sales up again for British egg

The latest half year sales figures from retail market monitor Kantar Worldpanel show egg sales volume up 3.1% (52 w/e 15.7.18), the equivalent of around 187 million eggs, when compared with the same period last year.
Lion mark
The BEIC also said its Lion mark, the leading assurance scheme for egg production in the UK, had “significantly higher” recognition than other brands.
Consumer recognition of the Lion mark is 76%, compared to just 52% for Red Tractor and 34% for RSPCA Assured, new research has revealed. The BEIC surveyed 1647 shopper in July this year and also found 83% of consumers “strongly associate” the Lion mark with British and a guarantee of quality.
Consumer confidence
Andrew Joret, chairman of the British Egg Industry Council, said: “This is more welcome news for the British egg industry as we continue to see substantial year on year growth in sales.
“Consumer confidence in eggs has been on a high for a while and the latest research provides more good news for the Lion, suggesting that the change in runny egg safety advice is now starting to filter through.
“The future looks bright for eggs as people from all age groups continue to incorporate them into their diet and an ever increasing stream of research reveals all the ways eggs can benefit our health.”