Agrochem giant to close 50 plants?

22 February 1999

Agrochem giant to close 50 plants?

AVENTIS, the agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals giant, could shut or sell more than half its production plants under proposals set out in working document prepared last October.

The company, which was formed out of the merger of Hoechst of Germany and Rhône-Poulenc of France, has targeted more than 50 out of 91 world primary and secondary industry sites for closure or divestment.

Aventis will be the worlds second-biggest pharmaceuticals group and the world leader in crop protection and animal health, with combined sales of £12 billion.

The document, prepared by the Monitor Company, a US consulting group, lists 35 sites as targeted for closure.

They include factories in countries such as Australia, India, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa and the UK, where 16 industrial sites earmarked for divestment.

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