Archive Article: 1998/08/28

28 August 1998

Wondering whether or not you should be worried by the Millennium Bug? Then youll be pleased to see part two of our feature on the subject. This week were looking at embedded chips. Not the sort you find on the floor in disreputable cafes but the sort that perform clock or date-related duties in some items of farm equipment, notably electronic feeding and ventilation controllers.

The gist of it is dont panic; only a small percentage of farm machines are affected and a bit of time on the phone to suppliers of potentially affected equipment should establish whether theres a problem and how

big it is.

We also kick off the

1998 Barclays/FW farm inventions competition this week. Weve upped the total prize money to £3600 and a tie-up with the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents means theres help for anyone wondering whether they should patent their device.

Closing date is Oct 9, so grab a few minutes to fill in the coupon between combining, corn carting, baling, ploughing, harrowing, drilling

etc etc.

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