Archive Article: 2000/03/31

31 March 2000

&#8226 THE Environment Agency has updated its booklet Understanding Rural Land Use which outlines management practices which can help reduce damage to soil, water and vegetation. For a free copy call 0113 2312392.

&#8226 A FARMER near the North Wales village of Aberdaron, Pen Lyn faces legal action following a slurry spill into a nearby river.

Environment Agency Wales was alerted to the spill into the Afon Cyll-y-Felin early last week.

It is thought that between 50,000 and 100,000gal of slurry had been discharged into the river.

&#8226 SCRAPIE compensation for sheep slaughtered in April will be £24.31 if the disease is confirmed at post-mortem and a maximum of £400 for suspects where scrapie is not confirmed.

&#8226 BSE compensation for cattle slaughtered in April will be up to £385 if the disease is confirmed at post-mortem and a maximum of £481.25 for suspects where BSE is not confirmed.

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