Archive Article: 2000/05/19
INTERESTED in flowers? Then why not take advantage of a special ticket offer available to farmers weekly readers for the four-day Regents Park Flower Show in London next month.
The flower extravaganza – first held in 1839 – is likely to attract 80,000 visitors through its gates between June 22 and 25. "It will have the air of a garden fete but with all the facilities that are expected in the heart of London," promise the organisers. "Plenty to see, plenty to do – but easy for people to relax there, too."
Among the many new
features this year will be a display of Ludisia, a tiny orchid less than 6in high, and the Student Show Gardens. Question and answer sessions will also take place, along with an advice centre and plant
farmers weekly readers can buy tickets in advance for £9.50 for adults and £5 for children (compared with gate prices of £16 and £6) by filling out the coupon below and returning it before June 9 to the
address shown.
Regents Park Flower show
Adult Child
Thursday June 22 ……… ………
Friday June 23 ……… ………
Saturday June 24 ……… ………
Sunday June 25 ……… ………
Total no. of adult tickets at £9.50/each ………
Total no. of child tickets at £5/each ………
Total £: ………………….
Please return before Jun 9 enclosing a postal order or cheque (payable to the Regents Park Flower Show ) to:
Farmers Weekly Reader Offer, the Regents Park Flower Show, Godalming, Surrey. GU7 1HJ