Archive Article: 2001/12/14

14 December 2001

Bob and Fiona Ives

FOUR-wheel-drive vehicles take turns with four-legged cattle to explore the pasture on the 400ha (1000 acres) at Park Farm, Herriard, Basingstoke. For Bob and Fiona Ives rent out the use of tracks, fields and old chalk dells for 4×4 dealers to hold demonstration days.

A 4×4 enthusiast himself, Bob was quite amenable when the local dealer asked if he could use the farm to show customers how the vehicles perform in off-road conditions.

The mixed dairy and arable farm, part of which is owned and part tenanted, employs one cowman, a relief cowman and two tractor drivers. "From time to time the drivers will help with other duties, and anyone can be called upon to help with the driving days if required," said Bob. "This usually goes down quite well as we all like playing with cars."

Not only did the arrangement prove successful for the dealer but it also proved a good venture for Park Farm, with sufficient income generated to keep on a full-time man. The aim now is to do something every year to cover the wages of an employee and for the last five years they have been able to do that. Available grants were looked into, but fortunately the whole concept just evolved, so they werent followed up.

Bob designs the course according to the requirements of the vehicles, the needs of the dairy cows and the weather. Generally the cows can easily be moved to accommodate the driving, but the weather will determine which particular areas of grassland or track can be used. There is little damage because it is only rented out about once or twice a month. Planning permission is not required for activities such as driving or the clay pigeon shoot on the farm, if operated below the maximum number of days allowed.

An old barn was cleaned out and smartened up for hospitality. Originally Fiona catered for the lunches herself, but because of all the hygiene regulations and time involved, professional caterers are now hired, which makes it much easier.

With more manufacturers introducing 4×4 vehicles, other dealerships are being approached with a view to marketing the demonstration course further, but only if the needs fit in with the farm pasture requirements.

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