Big advance in herbicides due

26 June 1998

Big advance in herbicides due

THREE new cereal herbicides, one claimed to take pre- and early post-emergence blackgrass control into a new league, are in Cyanamid Agricultures development pipeline.

Nearest to launch, possibly for this autumn, is ACH414, a pendimethalin-cyanazine mix. It is aimed at the cheaper end of the early post-emergence market for weeds from the cotyledon to two-leaf stage.

"This products main competitor is 1 litre/ha Panther with which it compares very favourably both cost and weed spectrum-wise," says Cyanamids Phil Brown.

New and established molecules will give ACH210 exceptional blackgrass control from pre-emergence up to the weeds two to three-leaf stage, predicts Mr Brown. It will be applied at full rate against blackgrass and at lower rates for annual meadow grass and broad-leaved weeds. The third newcomer, ACH179, also contains a brand new molecule alongside established chemistry. Its main advantages are season-long cleavers control, elimination of larger weeds and felxible timing. &#42

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