Branding for leanness

21 September 2001

Branding for leanness

LEANNESS is the subject of a branding initiative launched by the Limousin Cattle Society at last weeks Beef 2001.

In a joint venture with Northants-based Branded Beef Breeder, the Lean, Lean, Lean (3L) brand will be targeted at new volume markets with a producer premium worth £12-15/head more than existing Continental cattle prices, said breed society chief executive Iain Kerr.

"There are 650,000-700,000 Limousin sired cattle in the UK. Beef from cattle sired by any registered Limousin will be eligible to carry the brand."

A DNA register of analysis on all bulls used for progeny destined for the 3L brand will be established, with the ultimate aim of all 3L brand products being fully supported by DNA certificates of analysis by sire, explained Mr Kerr.

To gain membership of the scheme, Limousin producers will need to purchase £50 worth of shares, he added. "This will be used for project promotion."

Although none of the multiples are currently involved, Mr Kerr hopes that should sufficient producers pledge their support, supermarkets will be attracted. "I believe supermarkets are looking at new ways to market beef."

The brand should also appeal to a health-conscious public. "Research on Limousin beef shows its cholesterol level is no greater than chicken or pork, which should make the brand attractive to modern consumers."

But leanness will not be at the expense of taste, he added. "Despite its leanness, Limousin beef has performed well in international taste trials." &#42

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