18 January 2002


Worried about the light

lamb surplus?

Then we have got the

answer on a plate.

farmers weekly has

joined forces with

Farmers First to supply

tasty British box

chilled lamb direct to

your door. Heres how

you, your family and

friends can fly the

flag and eat it too

YOUVE heard of dig for victory, now it is time to eat for Britain to boost consumption.

What better way of cutting the glut of lambs that threatens to swamp the UK market thanks to the foot-and-mouth crisis and the export ban?

farmers weekly has teamed up with Farmers First, the successful producer-run meat initiative, to launch our new Lamb Ban Beater Campaign.

The aim behind the campaign is to buy home-grown lamb, process it and supply it box chilled for home delivery. Boxes will contain whole or half lambs which will be delivered directly to your door by courier service.

The chilled lamb will be cooled by ice packs which will keep the meat temperature at less than 4C for 24hr. The prices, £75 for a whole lamb box and £45 for a half box, include packaging, delivery and a donation to the ARC- Addington fund designed to help victims of the F&M crisis.

"farmers weekly believes that surplus light lambs should be on consumers plates not in the private storage scheme," said FW Editor Stephen Howe. "Heres an opportunity for the farming industry to truly help itself by boosting consumption of a great British product. So why not order today and persuade family, friends, visitors to the local pub and others to eat for Britain?"

Farmers First chairman Terry Bayliss said that the initiative would help to reduce the surplus and stimulate a long-term market for light lambs. "I can think of no better way of proving to supermarkets and processors that there is a market for British lambs on this side of the channel."

The initiative, which focuses on bulk freezer purchases not individual joints, will complement the sales of independent butchers and other retailers by stimulating the total market for British lambs.

So why not put patriotism on a plate by helping to eat your way through the lamb surplus? Heres one problem that we can really get our teeth into.

Whole lamb box

&#8226 Price £75, including packaging, delivery to the door and a donation to the Addington Fund (£2)

&#8226 Weight: 12kg (26.4lb)

&#8226 Contents:1 whole shoulder1 boned rolled shoulder1 "Carvery" leg roast3 mini leg roasting joints8 leg steaks12 loin chops12 lamb cutlets1 pack of lamb mince

Half lamb box

&#8226 Price £45, including packaging, delivery to the door and a donation to the Addington Fund (£1)

&#8226 Weight: 6kg (13.2lb)

&#8226 Contents:1 boned rolled shoulder1 whole leg of lamb6 loin chops6 lamb cutlets1 pack of lamb mince

Nearly 1m readers each week are being asked to back the best of British lamb. farmers weekly has joined forces with Horse&Hound, Country Life and leading regional newspaper, The Western Morning News, to help promote light lamb consumption in the UK. We are also promoting our Lamb Ban Beater Campaign on our web-site. (

To order your Lamb Ban Beater Campaign lamb box simply fill out the coupon on this page.

Cheques should be made payable to Farmers First. Credit card orders can be placed by telephoning 0870-2410153.

Or you can order on-line with a credit card via Farmers Weekly Interactive.



Credit Card orders: 0870-2410153

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address for delivery…………………………………………………………………..



Daytime telephone number………………………………………………………….

Whole lamb @ £75 Half lamb @ £45

Cheques payable to: Farmers First plc

Send this coupon and your cheque to: Farmers First plc, Davela, Llanstephan, Llyswen, Brecon, Powys LD3 OAJ.

When ordering by post we will telephone you to confirm delivery details. Please ensure your telephone number is complete.

Price confirmed at time of order, seasonal fluctuations may apply. Minimum weight whole lamb 12kg (26.4lb), half lamb 6kg (13.2lb).Price includes packaging, delivery and a donation to the Addington Fund.

ARC-Addington Fund

The ARC-Addington Fund gives emergency financial help to those hit by foot-and-mouth, helping farmers and others directly dependent on agriculture for their living. It made more than 16,000 grants totalling nearly £8m between its establishment in March and August 10. The fund, which works through the RASEs Arthur Rank Centre, Stoneleigh, Warks, was the brainchild of the Archbishop of Canterbury and has received cash backing from the Prince of Wales.

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