Cash for Ulster BSE herds

09 October 1998

Cash for Ulster BSE herds

By FWi staff

BEEF farmers whose cows have suffered from BSE in Northern Ireland are to receive £500,000 in financial aid.

The money will be paid to about 300 suckler beef producers whose herds have suffered at least one case of BSE, said Lord Dubs, Northern Irelands agriculture minister.

Herds in Northern Ireland which have suffered BSE are known as “flagged” herds.

“Flagged suckler producers, arguably more than others, have borne the brunt of low prices and restrictions on the commercial trade for calves,” said Lord Dubs.

Payment will be £41 a cow based on the number of eligible cows paid under the 1997 Suckler Cow Premium Scheme and subject to the herd being flagged as at 31 December, 1997.

Payments will also be made automatically within the next two weeks so producers do not need to apply.

The Ulster Farmers Union said calf prices from flagged farms had plunged because buyers were anxious to avoid risking their BSE-free status.

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