Cereal appeal sees Vanessa join 2000 List

31 March 2000

Cereal appeal sees Vanessa join 2000 List

WINTER barley Vanessa has joined the 2000 Recommended List after an appeal by Banks Agriculture (Arable, Feb 18).

Apart from its high yield and stiff straw, its potential as an export malting barley for southern growers, was a key factor influencing the decision, says NIABs Richard Fenwick.

Its provisional special recommendation reflects weakness against yellow rust.

Enough seed for 3-5% of the autumn market should be available, says Banks Neil Pateman.

A decision on Ghengis, CPB Twyfords hard feed wheat, has been deferred for more information on its suitability for early sowing and eyespot resistance.

However, Eclipse wheat, the basis of New Farm Crops criticism of NIAB trials, has failed to make the list, as has Nickersons Morph.

4000t of Eclipse seed will still be available this autumn, says NFCs Gary Mills-Thomas. "We are pretty convinced it is a good low input variety with a ready market."

Phillip Booth, grain buyer for Yorks miller Bradshaw & Sons, regrets the NIAB decision. "It is a good biscuit wheat with a better flour extraction rate than Consort or Riband." &#42

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