Claas goes for
Claas goes for
twin drum Cortos
CLAAS has extended its range of grassland equipment with the introduction of the 2.5m (8ft) wide Corto 252 and 252C trailed drum mowers – the latter equipped with a conditioning unit.
The two variants replace Claas earlier non-conditioning Corto 250 model, which was a three drum unit leaving one and a half swaths.
"We wanted to offer a conditioning unit on this size of mower, which meant changing to a twin-drum design to make conditioning practical," explains sales promotion manager, Roger Marshall.
Power requirement is 60hp for the standard mower, while an extra 10hp is required to drive the Corto 252C with its conditioning unit. Adjustable swath plates result in a swath width from 0.73-1.11m (2.3-3.6ft).
Without conditioner, the Corto 252 is priced at £7100, while the conditioning version costs £9100. *
Moving to a twin-drum design has enabled Claas to offer a metal-tined conditioning unit on its Corto 252 model.