Coming to the defence of moorland habitats
Coming to the defence of moorland habitats
HALTING the loss in moorland habitats and improving the livelihoods of producers in the area are the complementary aims of a new meat marketing initiative in the Bowland area of Lancashire.
The Duke of Westminster, the owner of Abbeystead Estate, officially launched Bowland Forest Foods Company on Monday (May 29). The company will initially concentrate its efforts on marketing beef and lamb, but in future will look at other products such as grouse.
Over the past 50 years moorland has become one of the most threatened habitats in Europe. Since 1950, nearly 80,938 ha (200,000 acres) of heather have been lost due to commercial afforestation, land reclamation for more intensive farming, a huge increase in sheep numbers and the spread of bracken. *
The Duke of Westminster (left) has backed the Bowland project.