DEFRA puts case for pigmeat exports
DEFRA puts case for pigmeat exports
DEFRA will finally put the pig industrys case for the resumption of pigmeat exports to the Standing Veterinary Committee in Brussels when it meets on Oct 9-10.
The industry has been campaigning for months to have export restrictions lifted on cull sows from eastern England, an area that has been foot-and-mouth free for nearly eight months.
The National Pig Association originally drafted such plans in July. However, it seems that DEFRA might extend the case for exports to include all those counties deemed F&M-free and all types of pigmeat.
Ian Campbell, regional director of the National Pig Association, said: "We are not expecting an immediate answer, but we are cautiously optimistic this time. I hope we will be able to move pigmeat abroad by November."
A previous application to the SVC was scuppered by renewed outbreaks of F&M in the Settle area of North Yorks, near a major pig producing area. *