Dry weather needed for oilseed harvest

15 August 2001

Dry weather needed for oilseed harvest

SANDY ALISON is waiting for some good weather so he can start oilseed rape harvest, at his farm besides Edinburgh airport. “Weve had three inches of rain in the last two weeks onto ground which was not particularly dry then.”

Despite this he has managed to finish winter barley. Second year Muscat has a weighbridge yield of 7.2t/ha (2.9t/acre), which is below the expected 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre) in a usual year. It was cut at 17% moisture. He has heard reports of worse yields in the area.

Winter weather conditions were poor and a mixture of drilling dates means that spring barley and wheat will come fit at varied times. After 80ha (200 acres) of oilseed rape, the early drilled Optic spring barley may be fit in one week. “We are at the call of the sun”.

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