Early indication of good wheat quality

23 August 2001

Early indication of good wheat quality

WITH wheat harvest starting with vigour, early indications of quality are encouraging. Paul Crumps of Shropshire Grain says, “it looks promising and we are not having the same sort of worries as with winter barley.”

Malacca is showing up well. “Weve had a couple of samples with protein as high as 14%, but generally they are 12-12.5%.” The Hagbergs are all over 300, but the specific weight is averaging 74kg/hl, with some as low as 72kg/hl.

A small number of Hereward samples have protein at 14%, with good Hagberg. Claire quality is ok, with specific weight 74.5kg/hl.

“The Hagbergs have been reasonably well protected in this area.”

Spring barley is looking good. Optic yields are between 5-6.8t/ha (2-2.5t/acre). “There are relatively low screenings and the samples are visually pleasing. The nitrogen is averaging 1.6-1.7%.” He says there are very few borderline samples not making the specification.

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