Farmers needed for Big Farmland Bird Count

Farmers are being urged to take part in the “biggest” farmland bird count to help determine how different species are faring in the UK.

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) is launching its first annual Big Farmland Bird Count in February 2014.

The BASF-sponsored count will take place from 1-7 February and the trust is inviting people to spend about half an hour recording the species and number of birds seen in one area of the farm.

A pilot scheme earlier this year took in more than 10,000ha across 30 farms and recorded 69 species, from tree sparrows and yellowhammer to barn owls, kestrels and buzzards.

Jim Egan, from GWCT’s Allerton Project, said: “Much of the good work done by farmers and gamekeepers to help reverse farmland bird decline goes unrecorded.

“We want to remedy that and help farmers and gamekeepers record the effect of conservation schemes on their land, such as supplementary feeding or growing wild bird seed crops and game cover crops.”

For more information on the Big Farmland Bird Count, including how to register, visit the GWCT’s website

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