F&Mcloud over Wales & NYorks

28 September 2001

F&Mcloud over Wales & NYorks

THE spectre of foot-and-mouth disease returned to the Welsh border and North Yorks this week as more sheep and cattle suspected of having the disease were slaughtered.

DEFRA vets slaughtered a consignment of 170 prime lambs sent from a Monmouthshire farm to Ross-on-Wye Market on Tuesday (Sept 25). Staff at the Herefordshire collection centre noticed what they suspected were symptoms of F&M in the animals, which were en route to slaughter.

Over 1000 cattle and sheep were slaughtered at a farm a few miles from Settle on Sunday and Monday (September 23 and 24) amid fears that the virus has returned to the Yorkshire Dales.

A DEFRA spokeswoman refused to comment on rumours that preliminary results had proved negative. "We are still waiting for the full test results," she said.

If confirmed, it will be the first case in the area since July 25. &#42

when livestock were destroyed at a farm seven miles away in Giggleswick. The last case in North Yorkshire was confirmed on Aug 18 at a farm near Whitby.

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