Farmers abandon sheepdogs
10 December 2001
Farmers abandon sheepdogs
By Adrienne Francis
THOUSANDS of sheepdogs have been abandoned by farmers due to foot-and-mouth, reports The Times.
The story features a large photo of a rescue volunteer with border collie sheepdog and pups, described as the “forgotten victims of foot-and-mouth”.
Animal Samaritan, a Shropshire rescue centre, is still taking in up to 35 sheepdogs a week to save them being shot by farmers, the paper reports.
Centre spokeswoman Carol James, said: “I know of dogs being shot and put on bonfires as farmers do not want them any more.”
The Border Collie Rescue organisation in North Yorkshire says that some of the best-trained working dogs are worth up to 1000.
“Farmers are keeping them until they restock or intend to sell the best to someone else,” said volunteer Jenny Booth.