Farmers Weekly Podcast Ep 135: Is ELM really hanging by a thread?

Delayed again, just what is the future for Defra’s flagship Environmental Land Management scheme (ELM)?

Is ELM really hanging by a thread? Or will the government finally make the scheme a success? And when will we hear more?

See also: Biodiversity Net Gain market – how will it work in practice?

On the markets, we’ve all the latest prices and a special look at prospects for the pig sector.

We give our verdict on the latest recommended cereal and oilseed rape varieties from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.

And we pay tribute to farmer, rugby superstar and motor neurone disease campaigner Doddie Weir, who has died at the age of 52.

This episode of the Farmers Weekly Podcast is co-hosted by Johann Tasker and Surrey farmer Hugh Broom.


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