First wheat performing well
28 August 2001
First wheat performing well
HARVEST should be finished ON Saturday (25 August) for John Neesham Farms, near Lincoln.
Gerald Neesham says, “Weve had a good run in the last two weeks, with only a few showers.”
Option C1 seed wheat performed very well on light Lincoln Heath land. “It yielded 3.75t/acre (9.3t/ha). A good yield on that land would normally be 3.5t/acre (8.6t/ha).” It is the first time he has grown the crop and has been very impressed.
Claire grown for seed has yielded about 10t/ha (4t/acre) on heavier land. “We would hope for 4.5t/acre (11t/ha) in a good year, so we are reasonably happy with this.”
He is now combining Consort second wheat, which is not yielding so well, “I reckon well be 0.5t/acre down on first wheat and 1t/acre down on second wheat.”
The quality of his Malacca milling wheat is good. The Hagberg is over 300, protein varies from 12-14% and specific weights are all over 75kg/hl.
He grows 260ha (650 acres) of wheat.
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