First wheat performs well
31 August 2001
First wheat performs well
FARMER and agronomist Ben Davies, from Brampton Abbotts near Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire, has had pleasing first wheat but poor second wheat. It’s been a late harvest
"I won’t grow second wheat again, when I can grow a good break crop like oats, which will yield as well."
Second wheat crop for feed, Savannah and Western yielded between 7-7.75t/ha (2.8-3.1t/acre)
First wheat Savannah and Western did better. Western yielded 12t/ha (4.8t/acre) and Savannah 9.8t/ha (3.9t/acre).
Malacca milling wheat yielded 8.75t/ha (3.5t/acre) and he is awaiting analysis. "It’s a bit worrying combining quality wheat this late in August, the Hagberg should be ok but the protein may be suspect."
He has seen some poor crops in Oxfordshire, but says where crops have been drilled early, established well and had good management the results have been very pleasing
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